
Greetings all!!! I am Taylor Boltjes. Here with my brothers in the warrior arts Tyson Holman and Jacob Patterson.  This is the site were you I will be chronicling our journey down the warrior's path. Go to any on of the pages to your left to check out our bios, animal fighting styles, warrior history, training articles, weapons and much much more! Feel free to leave comments on the warrior blog.  Thank you all for being so loyal, and may the lord rest his hand upon you and give you peace.

Blessed be the LORD,my rock, that teaches my hands for war and fingers for battle. Psalms 144:1

Hey T and T arts fans and Friends!

Hey sudden news! A newT and T arts website is under way! We'll let you all know when it is finished. Check THIS site dailey for one more news article telling you the link to them new site.

                                    In God's holy name,

                                                                         T and Tarts.